Steve Pugh, Andy Bright, and James Black leaving camp one on day two.

The river changed up a little on day two. We had a little more flow and more class III rapids with nice, deep pools below them, perfect for fishing.

Steve Pugh taking a break from boating.

James Black in a great spot.

James with a nice trout.

After another log portage we got out and saw this.

Brian Vogt at the bottom of another fun class III rapid on day two.

Andy Bright and Brian Vogt relaxing a few miles upstream of camp two.

Brian and I kept paddling downstream to Slide Lake while the others took their time to hang out and fish. We got to the lake faster than we thought it would take so we paddled down to get a look at Body Bag Rapid, the long series of whitewater that pours out of Slide Lake. I thought it looked really good so we went back up to camp to un-load the boats and rest. After a few hours I went back down and ran the rapid, twice, before getting a great nights sleep on the island.
Camp two on the island at Slide Lake.

Day two was very relaxing with a lot of great wildlife sightings.
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